Friday, December 14, 2012


that we did not keep in touch... but there is always hope and i've come to share some hope because some words flowed tonight i feel are worth sharing, the i'd like the whole world to read in a long time by my standards, and for the moment they are pouring into the (e)thereal blog... perhaps i will organize them for elsewhere another time... they are being uploaded this morning and may continue all weekend, perhaps as some sort of birthday present in some odd way... some will be uploaded automatically over the next eight hours or so... some may be uploade at a later date... so if you read this before the end of the year, go back and read again, cuz you should... they are not the greatest words and not a lot, but maybe just a few thoughts that could save the world from human self-destruction if enough people cared to take them to heart... or maybe that's all in my head, too much ego and not enough common sense... still, remembering me is a good thing, even if nobody notices... it's been a good december so far, perhaps far better than decembers have been in many years... i am almost excited to see what comes of the rest... wish you were too... hug...

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